If you need to upgrade that storage, Google One has various paid plans available. You can then pay a small monthly fee to increase that storage if you need more. Google One storage offers 15GB for free to anyone that signs up. Plans start at £1.59/$1.99 per month for 100GB.You'll recall that recently Google ended its unlimited photo uploads too, meaning that Google One became more important. That's one way that Google is attempting to add value to encourage people to stick to paying for the additional storage. These additional Google One features are built right into Google Photos, so you see them on your phone when you're editing images. Other benefits include credits on the Google Play store and deals on hotels, and more recently, enhanced photo editing options in Google Photos. Drive apps: You can do everything from edit a profile photo to create a mind map, with over 100 integrated apps.Save Gmail attachments: Hover over an attachment in Gmail and look for the Drive logo to save any attachment to your Drive.Scan documents: The Android app lets you scan all your paper documents as PDF - just snap a photo of it.Google Photos: You can store your photos in Drive and then access them and edit them with Google Photos.Search: Drive can recognise objects in your images and text in scanned documents - just enter a keyword in the search bar.See old versions: You can look back as far as 30 days on most file types, making it easy to see changes and go back to previous versions.Work offline: If you aren't connected to the internet, you can make some files available offline to view and edit ( see how here).Share with others: You can quickly invite others to view, download, and comment and collaborate on your files in Drive.Access your files from anywhere: Your files in Drive can be reached from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.Create files: You can create documents and files on the fly with integrated Docs, Sheets and Slides apps.You can store a wide range of file types and folders - even Office files. Store files: Drive starts you with 15GB of free online storage.

Here are Google Drive's key features for consumers: Best of all, Google Drive is encrypted using SSL, the same security protocol used on Gmail and other Google services.